Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Setback is a Setup For a Comeback: Review

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Throughout life, people are confronted with several different obstacles. Some may be easy where you can leap right over them. While others may be difficult where you climb and climb, but never quite reach the top. One can get discouraged and feel as if they will never get over that hump. So where do they go from there? Well, the inspirational narrative A Setback Is a Setup for a Comeback by Willie Jolley just might be the push one needs. The book explains play by play what to do when you get knocked down and you need a pick me up. Although his book is informative, it seemed a little redundant. Several of his points I had already learned from past experiences and family members. But Jolley did point out some key ideals that are important to consider. “We all have seen intelligent people who have misused their intelligence…Intelligence alone does not guarantee success.” That is a very valid point; intelligence is virtually pointless if you are unable to properly communicate your thoughts. How is one able to pitch their ideas to a focus group if they cannot socialize? The author also shares his thoughts on looking back on the past. “The past is supposed to be a place of reference, not a place of residence! There is a reason why your car has a big windshield and a small rearview mirror. You are supposed to keep your eyes on where you are going, and just occasionally check out where you have been…Otherwise you are going to crash!” People often dwell on the mishaps of the past and forget to cherish the blessings that lie ahead. I feel this book elaborates on ideals I already know, but nevertheless it is a good read and perhaps I will call upon it again when I am in need of a set up for my comeback!